Every building has a story.
BVL Historic Preservation Research is an architectural history firm that provides exceptional research services as on-site consultants and investigative researchers.
BVL HPR has become a leader in National Register of Historic Places nominations, historic tax credit consulting and property/house histories, proudly serving clients nationwide for ten years.
Historic Tax Credit Consulting
We provide expert "boots-on-the-ground" and personalized consulting for developers, architects and homeowners hoping to engage in the federal and state historic tax credit program.
National Register of Historic Places Nominations
BVL HPR specializes in the research, architectural evaluation and report compilation necessary to gain National Register status for your property.
House Histories & Property Research
From homeowners wanting to know the story of their historic house to architects in need of targeted research on the evolution of specific architectural elements.
We encourage the appreciation for & understanding of historic properties through the architectural fabric & each building’s history.
We believe one cannot understand a building architecturally until one understands it historically.
Every building & every landscape has a story - a story of the people, events and historic context surrounding its existence - & we are eager to lead you on that investigative journey.
From leading an international historic research investigation to link the rice fields of the Charleston Lowcountry to Sierra Leone to serving as the on-site architectural historians for the documentation of a dozen World War II-era structures in one of our nation's national military parks, BVL HPR’s clientele ranges from private property owners, architects and developers to non-profits, municipalities and large-scale institutions.
We pride ourselves in providing the most exceptional investigative and consulting services, with no stone unturned, to help our clients better understand and honor historic properties, whether a single house or a once-thriving Main Street.
Featured in
"Power in Preservation" Exhibit
Washington, D.C.
40 Under 40: People Saving Places
National Trust for Historic Preservation
"Women Who Impact Preservation"
Historic Charleston Foundation
"Architectural Historian Uncovers The Hidden Stories of Old Buildings"
Charleston Magazine